- To discuss the use, benefits, and pitfalls of using a muscle oxygen sensor in both endurance and resistance exercise. There will be both literature review as well as my anecdotal experience using a BSX sensor. Since little to no published peer reviewed study has shown significant benefits in training or race performance, the advantage of using a sensor for training/race should not be assumed as a given. Unfortunately, the manufactures of these units have misleading, unproven assertions as part of their websites and marketing material.
- To provide a more objective look at their usefulness and perhaps even examine other "non advertised" use case scenarios (MLSS determination).
- Review and critique of other wearable sensors, like the Hexoskin shirt and Polar HRMs.
- Discussion of physiologic metrics such as VO2 max, ventilatory and lactate thresholds and the unfortunate confusion regarding definitions.
- Training intensity distribution and exercise prescription - literature reviews and available metrics to help one conform to a desired plan.
- Detailed investigation in the validity of the Garmin - Firstbeat algorithms for VO2 max calculation. This includes my own personal VO2 max testing by gas exchange done at a major US university.
- Review of heart rate variability indexes and their relation to physiologic thresholds. Particular focus on DFA a1 (index of fractal complexity) as a potential tool for polarized training intensity limitation.
Topics are listed below as clickable links:
Blog Introduction
- General principles
- Data analysis and presentation - a how to guide
- How to combine multiple SmO2 sensors, heart rate, ventilation and power data together for side by side analysis
- Data graphing - using multiple sensors and fields
- Graphing and plotting the sensor data
Sensor reviews and hacking
- Start BSX without the app or internet using an Android device
- BSX sensor hacking part 2, macros
- Literature Review: Moxy vs Portamon sensor
- Review of the Humon sensor
- Humon Hex part 2
- Sensor comparison - BSX, Hex and Moxy
- Sensor Measurement Variability - Location and Device
- Stryd running power - validation with VO2 testing
- The future of consumer muscle O2 monitoring - trainer derived MLSS?
- Movesense HR+ and Medical ECG review
- Movesense Medical Module and dynamic heart rate variability
- Movesense Medical ECG V2.0 Firmware brief review
- Movesense Medical ECG - improving the waveform and HRV accuracy
- DFA a1 agreement using Polar H10, ECG, HRV logger
- Polar H10 ECG tracing - a short how to guide
- A tale of 2 HRVs - afib vs noise
- Respiratory Rate metrics, ECG vs HRV, Kubios vs Garmin
- A new paradigm for Intensity thresholds - combining surrogate markers
- Review of Moov Sweat Forehead HRM vs Polar OH1 vs Hexoskin
- Moov HR Sweat - part 2
- Polar OH-1 accuracy on the forehead
- DFA a1 and Zone 1 limits - the effect of Kubios artifact correction
- HRV artifact effects on DFA a1 using alternate software
- Movesense HR+ and Medical ECG review
- Movesense Medical Module and dynamic heart rate variability
- Movesense Medical ECG V2.0 Firmware brief review
- Movesense Medical ECG - improving the waveform and HRV accuracy
- DFA a1 and the aerobic threshold, video conference presentation
- DFA a1 agreement using Polar H10, ECG, HRV logger
- Polar H10 ECG tracing - a short how to guide
- DFA a1, Sample rates and Device quirks
- DFA a1 and the HRVT2 - VT2/LT2
- Underwater ECG/HRV - Movesense Datalogger tutorial
- Best practices for Runalyze and DFA a1 thresholds
- ACSM - HRVT validation in a cardiac disease population
- A tale of 2 HRVs - afib vs noise
Weight Training/Rehabilitation
- Can hypoxic training improve tendon/ligament injuries?
- Maximizing hypoxia with low loads using the reverse drop set
- Sensor usefulness in Women, proof of concept
- "Ultimate" Drop set, combining standard and low loads
- Ultra short rest intervals - are they useful?
- Review of a low load training study
- Strength Training, effects of rep speed, rep number
- Anabolic benefits of a warm up set
- Conventional vs Low load Lifting - Risks and Benefits
Endurance Related
- Cycling/Endurance exercise and O2 sensor use- the basics
- Optimal cycling interval investigation for training
- Cycling Intervals Part 2- pitfalls of active muscle monitoring
- Respiratory muscle O2, a better tool?
- Respiratory muscle O2 - How to....
- Optimal Power Modulation with Costal O2
- Respiratory muscle training, benefits and discussion
- Cold weather exercise - dangers, issues, strategy
- Best metrics for tracking cold weather exercise - HR, Watts, Vent, O2 sat?
- Diaphragm training using conventional resistance techniques
- Measurement of Hemoglobin saturation breakpoints - use as a fitness monitoring tool
- Smart trainer usage in physiologic testing and interval training
- Intelligent training through the Pandemic
- Ultimate limiter - cardiac output, can we approach the pros?
Usage in Pacing, Training
- Cardiac Output Redistribution and Costal Desaturation
- Blood flow redistribution II - Monitoring non locomotor muscle O2 during exercise
- Race pacing with 2 sensors - interesting comparison of leg vs costal O2
- Costal O2 sensor placement for larger devices - Moxy
- XC Skiing from the NIRS perspective
- XC skiing - Pitfalls and opportunities in O2 monitoring
- Fast start strategy, improving performance and VO2 max kinetics
- Fast Start Strategy revisited and expanded
- Training intensity guidelines from HRV and NIRS data
- Training zone concepts, benefits of polarized, heat and low carb exposure
- VT1 correlation to HRV indexes - revisited
- DFA a1 and Zone 1 limits - the effect of Kubios artifact correction
- HRV artifact effects on DFA a1 using alternate software
- Measurement of Hemoglobin saturation breakpoints - use as a fitness monitoring tool
- Smart trainer usage in physiologic testing and interval training
- DFA a1 decline with intensity, effect of elevated skin temperature
- DFA a1 and the aerobic threshold, video conference presentation
- DFA a1 - running ramp and sample rate observations with the Movesense ECG
- Frontiers in Physiology - Validation of DFA a1 as a marker of VT1
- Real time Aerobic thresholds and polarized training with HRV Logger
- Active Recovery with HRV Logger
- DFA a1 agreement using Polar H10, ECG, HRV logger
- DFA a1 and the HRVT2 - VT2/LT2
- O2 desaturation and MLSS - Gone but not forgotten?
- ACSM - HRVT validation in a cardiac disease population
- DFA a1 as a marker of endurance exercise fatigue
- Atrial fibrillation - warning signs from chest belt recordings
- A tale of 2 HRVs - afib vs noise
- Respiratory Rate metrics, ECG vs HRV, Kubios vs Garmin
- Respiratory rate correlation to lactate during exercise
- A new paradigm for Intensity thresholds - combining surrogate markers
- Ramp slope and HRV a1 thresholds - does it matter?
- Combining NIRS and DFA a1 for critical intensity estimation
- DFA a1 2023 year in review
- Garmin vs Google Pixel watch resting HRV
- Improving the HRVT1 agreement - IJSPP 10/2024
- DFA a1 and Respiratory rate as measures of Durability
Sensor usage in Testing and biologic insights
- Genetics, cardiac output redistribution and personalized training/racing
- Deltoid desaturation, Data from multiple sources and Moxy Forum
- Muscle fiber transformation, HIT and NIRS observations
- Trainer vs road cycling, psychological and physiologic comparisons
- Post flat tire metrics, a look at concurrent training?
- Training for mitochondrial improvement - junk miles + intensity
- O2 desaturation during acidosis - the Bohr effect
- Sensor Measurement Variability - Location and Device
- Review of Moov Sweat Forehead HRM vs Polar OH1 vs Hexoskin
- Moov HR Sweat - part 2
- Polar OH-1 accuracy on the forehead
- NIRS breakpoints - RF, VL, Calf, Costal, Forearm, Deltoid, Biceps - Ramp testing
- Stryd running power - validation with VO2 testing
- DFA a1 and Zone 1 limits - the effect of Kubios artifact correction
- HRV artifact effects on DFA a1 using alternate software
- Measurement of Hemoglobin saturation breakpoints - use as a fitness monitoring tool
- Smart trainer usage in physiologic testing and interval training
- The future of consumer muscle O2 monitoring - trainer derived MLSS?
- DFA a1 decline with intensity, effect of elevated skin temperature
- Movesense HR+ and Medical ECG review
- Movesense Medical Module and dynamic heart rate variability
- Movesense Medical ECG V2.0 Firmware brief review
- Movesense Medical ECG - improving the waveform and HRV accuracy
- DFA a1 and the aerobic threshold, video conference presentation
- DFA a1 calculation - Kubios vs Python mini validation
- Frontiers in Physiology - Validation of DFA a1 as a marker of VT1
- Real time Aerobic thresholds and polarized training with HRV Logger
- Active Recovery with HRV Logger
- DFA a1 agreement using Polar H10, ECG, HRV logger
- DFA a1, Sample rates and Device quirks
- Runalyze vs Kubios DFA a1 agreement
- DFA a1 - Runalyze vs Kubios vs Logger results in a cyclist
- O2 desaturation and MLSS - Gone but not forgotten?
- ACSM - HRVT validation in a cardiac disease population
- FatMaxxer - a new app for real time a1
- Another look at indoor exercise without a fan
- ECG artifact strips from Fatmaxxer - a guide
- DFA a1 as a marker of endurance exercise fatigue
- Atrial fibrillation - warning signs from chest belt recordings
- A tale of 2 HRVs - afib vs noise
- AlphaHRV - the first native Garmin DFA a1 data field
- HRVT validation in Elite Triathletes
- Fitness Dashboard - initial review
- Respiratory Rate metrics, ECG vs HRV, Kubios vs Garmin
- alphaHRV respiratory rate tracking vs Garmin/Kubios
- A new paradigm for Intensity thresholds - combining surrogate markers
- Ramp slope and HRV a1 thresholds - does it matter?
- Combining NIRS and DFA a1 for critical intensity estimation
- Garmin vs Google Pixel watch resting HRV
- Improving the HRVT1 agreement - IJSPP 10/2024
- DFA a1 and Respiratory rate as measures of Durability
Heart rate variability during dynamic exercise
- Firstbeat VO2 estimation - valid or voodoo?
- Heart rate variability during exercise - threshold testing
- Exercise in the heat and VO2 max estimation
- DFA alpha1, HRV complexity and polarized training
- HRV artifact avoidance vs correction, getting it right the first time
- VT1 correlation to HRV indexes - revisited
- DFA a1 and Zone 1 limits - the effect of Kubios artifact correction
- HRV artifact effects on DFA a1 using alternate software
- A just published article on DFA a1 and Zone 1 demarcation
- DFA a1 vs intensity metrics via ramp vs constant power intervals
- DFA a1 decline with intensity, effect of elevated skin temperature
- Fractal Correlation Properties of Heart Rate Variability (DFA a1): A New Biomarker for Intensity Distribution in Endurance Exercise
- Movesense Medical ECG V2.0 Firmware brief review
- Movesense Medical ECG - improving the waveform and HRV accuracy
- DFA a1 and the aerobic threshold, video conference presentation
- DFA a1 - running ramp and sample rate observations with the Movesense ECG
- DFA a1 calculation - Kubios vs Python mini validation
- Frontiers in Physiology - Validation of DFA a1 as a marker of VT1
- Real time Aerobic thresholds and polarized training with HRV Logger
- Active Recovery with HRV Logger
- DFA a1 and exercise intensity FAQ
- DFA a1 agreement using Polar H10, ECG, HRV logger
- DFA a1 post HIT, and as marker of fatigue
- DFA a1 stability over longer exercise times
- DFA a1, Sample rates and Device quirks
- DFA a1 and the HRVT2 - VT2/LT2
- Low DFA a1 while running - a possible fix?
- Runalyze vs Kubios DFA a1 agreement
- DFA a1 - Runalyze vs Kubios vs Logger results in a cyclist
- Best practices for Runalyze and DFA a1 thresholds
- ACSM - HRVT validation in a cardiac disease population
- FatMaxxer - a new app for real time a1
- Another look at indoor exercise without a fan
- ECG artifact strips from Fatmaxxer - a guide
- ECG arrhythmia and artifact visualization tips
- DFA a1 as a marker of endurance exercise fatigue
- To train hard or not, that's the question
- DFA a1 HRVT and Ramp slope
- DFA a1 and optimal HRM belt position
- DFA a1 threshold in a cardiac population
- Rapid HRVT graphing and interpretation
- Atrial fibrillation - warning signs from chest belt recordings
- A tale of 2 HRVs - afib vs noise
- Pitfalls in DFA a1 - Polar belt position
- AlphaHRV - the first native Garmin DFA a1 data field
- HRVT validation in Elite Triathletes
- Recent podcast at Scientific Triathlon 3/22
- The DFA a1 App Matrix
- New - Review in Frontiers in Physiology
- Fitness Dashboard - initial review
- Respiratory Rate metrics, ECG vs HRV, Kubios vs Garmin
- Respiratory rate correlation to lactate during exercise
- Kubios Scientific and DFA a1 thresholds
- alphaHRV respiratory rate tracking vs Garmin/Kubios
- A new paradigm for Intensity thresholds - combining surrogate markers
- Ramp slope and HRV a1 thresholds - does it matter?
- Combining NIRS and DFA a1 for critical intensity estimation
- DFA a1 2023 year in review
- DFA a1 thresholds - MSSE 1/2024
- Garmin vs Google Pixel watch resting HRV
- Improving the HRVT1 agreement - IJSPP 10/2024
- DFA a1 and Respiratory rate as measures of Durability
Lactate related
- Issues in using Muscle O2 for lactate testing
- Lactate Kinetics, Cycling power, Muscle O2 and Minute ventilation
- Observations just above the lactate threshold...the RCP
- MLSS +10 watts, a journal review plus personal data
- Determining MLSS with longer intervals and a NIRS device
- Optimizing Lactate Clearance via Power Modulation
- MLSS retest by both blood lactate, Vent and NIRS
- Ventilatory thresholds and Heart rate variability testing
- First and second Lactate thresholds, why the confusion, how to measure?
- VO2 max + Lactate thresholds, gas exchange Vs Garmin/Firstbeat - my data
- Measurement of Hemoglobin saturation breakpoints - use as a fitness monitoring tool
- Does the FTP relate to the MLSS - Yes, No, Maybe?
- Smart trainer usage in physiologic testing and interval training
- The future of consumer muscle O2 monitoring - trainer derived MLSS?
- Real time Aerobic thresholds and polarized training with HRV Logger
- DFA a1 and the HRVT2 - VT2/LT2
- O2 desaturation and MLSS - Gone but not forgotten?
- HRVT validation in Elite Triathletes
- Respiratory rate correlation to lactate during exercise
- Ramp slope and HRV a1 thresholds - does it matter?
- Combining NIRS and DFA a1 for critical intensity estimation
VO2 max related
- VO2 max/peak estimation
- VO2 max training and trainability
- The Wingate 60, a measure of VO2 max status
- Firstbeat VO2 estimation - valid or voodoo?
- Exercise in the heat and VO2 max estimation
- VO2 max by gas exchange Vs Garmin/Firstbeat - my data
- VO2 max slow component vs metabolic cart error
- Why is the Garmin Firstbeat VO2 max estimate inaccurate, can we do better?
- Ultimate limiter - cardiac output, can we approach the pros?
Hexoskin Shirt
- Hexoskin shirt, review and observations with Interval exercise
- Hexoskin - review on the road
- Hexoskin App Overlay - Real time display and data recording
- Training the Diaphram - Using the Hexoskin as biofeedback
- Review of the Astroskin during exercise
- Analysis of Hexoskin binary RR interval and respiratory .wav data
- DFA a1 and Zone 1 limits - the effect of Kubios artifact correction
- HRV artifact effects on DFA a1 using alternate software
- DFA a1 decline with intensity, effect of elevated skin temperature
- alphaHRV respiratory rate tracking vs Garmin/Kubios